The 200kHz ultrasonic sensor for gas meters is a special type of ultrasonic sensor designed to measure the flow of gas in a system. Ultrasonic gas meters use the principle of ultrasonic transit time measurement to determine the velocity of gas flowing through the meter. The sensor operates at 200kHz, which means it generates and detects ultrasonic waves at a frequency of 200,000 cycles per second. This frequency is suitable for gas flow measurement and provides accurate and reliable results. In gas meter applications, the sensor is usually installed in the gas pipeline or in the meter housing.
It beams ultrasonic waves into the airflow and then measures the time it takes for those waves to travel against and with the airflow. By comparing the transit times, the flow rate and volume flow of the gas can be calculated. The 200kHz ultrasonic sensors used in gas meters are optimized for gas flow measurement. It has the characteristics of high sensitivity, good signal-to-noise ratio, and narrow beam angle to ensure accurate measurement. Overall, 200kHz ultrasonic sensors are designed for gas meter applications to accurately measure gas flow for billing, monitoring and control purposes.

Post time: Jul-21-2023